Friday, January 14, 2011

A Glass Half Full

It was around 1pm when I felt again the twitching pain at the left side, back of my head and followed by numbness in my left cheek down to my neck. Even if it lasted for only 3 seconds, I really got scared, panicked, and got close to tears. Minutes later, I was already in a hospital nearby.

I said to the doctor something like "Since last night, I feel like a vein in my head gets twisted for about 2 seconds and will be gone. I feel this with irregular intervals." And told the doctor the recent one with numbness. The doctor asked other symptoms and I answered them all with no. The diagnosis was simple and no-brainer : headache.

I don't think they heard me. I seriously know what headache and migraine is. And this is different. 

The second doctor, in the Non-Urgent room took more time with me. I repeated my situation and it was broken down to me.
1. Since the headache (urgh!) has started last night, I should have taken even a paracetamol.
2. I was asked to slowly bow down my head and I before I did a full bow, I felt pain at the back, below my neck. She said it was indeed a muscle spasm/contraction/tension (type - headache). The muscles in my skull were tight thus causing pain. 

I was given prescription and was released from the Emergency room.

Why did I acted that way? Why do I feel extremely annoyed when they categorized my pain into a simple headache?

I should be thankful to God it was just a headache. I would not dare hear what I was expecting them to say. I should be extremely happy I got to talk to a doctor - who happens to be an expert on this one. I should not fully rely on my Programmer instincts and Dr. Google.

We should always, always, look at the glass half full.

PS. Dr. Google said muscle spasms can be caused by emotional and physical stress, and improper posture when using a computer (alam na!).